Emergency Preparedness
and Response Training
I was chosen as one of ten professionals nationwide to participate in the American Institute for Conservation “Train the Trainers” program in 2000 to teach emergency preparedness, response and salvage to other museum professionals in regional workshops. Since that time, I have carried out many topical workshops with colleagues for the museum and cultural property community in the United States.
- Instructor for 4 FAIC Emergency Preparedness workshops in partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation 2011 and 2012
- NEH Preservation Assistance Grant with the Sandwich Massachusetts Historical Society focused on Emergency Planning and Wet Salvage 2011
- Instructor (with Moore and Voellinger) for three AIC-CERT week-long workshops in 2007 and in 2010
- American Museum of Natural History, NYC 2004 and 2008 (with Moore)
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art LA, CA 2007 (with Moore)
- Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies (with Moore) 2005
- Southeast Region Conservators’ Association 2005 (with Moore)
- Vermont Collections Care Program, statewide 1996 – 2004
- Westlake Conservator, Skaneateles, NY 2005 (with Moore)
- Vermont Historical Records Advisory Board, statewide for town clerks (with Corcoran) 2006
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, NY (with Moore) May 2013
I was instrumental in forming the American Institute for Conservation’s emergency response team (AIC-CERT www.conservation-us.org) from 2005 to 2010 by providing topical training to team members across the US in conjunction with my colleagues Barbara Moore and Theresa Voellinger. AIC-CERT was active during Hurricane Irene and Super Storm Sandy and helped many cultural institutions in Haiti post earthquake. As well, I was a consultant to Heritage Preservation when they published their Field Guide to Emergency Response and Salvage. I was asked to participate in a corresponding instructional DVD that was issued with the guidebook.
If you would like help with your emergency plan or having a workshop that focuses on wet salvage of your collections, please consider me for your project.
I also recently participated in a video entitles, “Protect Yourself! Flood-Damaged Studio Health & Safety Tips” it is very useful for anyone who is involved in disaster response/recovery effort.